Press Releases

Articles and features about MNY from external news outlets.

Vancouver Sun Kappi Rie Vancouver Sun Kappi Rie

Best of 2015: West Coast artists continue to sparkle

SEI is an equally stunning stainless steel sculpture that recalls the arc of a jumping salmon in the nearby McArthur Glen Designer Outlet. YVR's public collection of art - which includes Bill Reid's The Spirit of Haida Gwaii: The Jade Canoe - is one of the reasons it consistently ranks among the top airports in the world.

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Vancouver Sun Kappi Rie Vancouver Sun Kappi Rie

Abstract form of jumping salmon unveiled at Vancouver International Airport mall

Artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas has designed a new stainless steel sculpture that recalls natural forms such as the curve of a jumping whale or salmon. The public art work is made from highly polished stainless steel. In contrast to those reflective surfaces is the underside of the 12-metre long sculpture which is covered in copper leaf. “Yes, it’s like a whale jumping or a salmon jumping,” Yahgulanaas said in a phone interview.

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Vancouver Sun Kappi Rie Vancouver Sun Kappi Rie

Meeting of the Rivers: Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas' sculpture in Kamloops

A sculpture by artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas for Kamloops that recreates the moment before the North and South Thompson join and become the single Thompson River was put together and raised for the first time Wednesday at a metal fabricating plant in Delta. Called Rivers, the soaring steel and aluminum sculpture is more than 10 metres tall. At the top, representing the two arms of the river, are stylized female swimmers in copper leaf.

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Vancouver Sun Kappi Rie Vancouver Sun Kappi Rie

Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas: Haida Manga Public Art

One of the city’s newest public art works is a 43-metre-long steel sculpture inspired by the record-setting 2010 Fraser River Salmon run. Abundance Fenced is located at Knight Street and 33rd Avenue along the top of a concrete retaining wall beside Kensington Park. It serves as a decorative railing beside the pedestrian path.

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Vancouver Sun Kappi Rie Vancouver Sun Kappi Rie

Vancouver's Thunderbird Arena Hosts New Aboriginal Artworks

Take Off is the first time Haida manga has been turned into public, outdoor art. It is anchored to the ground by three steel pipes that arc to the west. They’re meant to mimic the motion of a mallard duck that quickly lifts up from the water as it takes flight. The birdlike part of the sculpture is made from recycled Volvo fenders and door with the profile of a hockey player painted in black acrylic in Haida-manga style.

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