Pedal to the Meddle
July 2007
Pontiac Firefly, autobody paint, argillite dust, copper leaf
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, AB

Notes: Exhibited with 7.5 meter cedar canoe by Bill Reid, assisted by Guujaaw and others, 1985. MOA Nb1.737
Exhibit History:
Museum of Anthropology at UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada
National Arts Center, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Glenbow Museum, Calgary, AB, Canada
Collection of the Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta
Artist Portrait: Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas - Galleries West, 2007
Re-collecting the Coast - The Georgia Straight, July 5, 2007
Haida Art Hopes to Inspire Engagement - The Ubyssey, November 9, 2007
B.C. Artist Brings Car-part Exhibit to Edmonton - Edmonton Journal, November 26, 2012